Monday, April 20, 2009

Trials make us stronger

Thanks so much for your prayers. Adebola and Coxey were baptized on Sat even though Satan didn’t want them to be. The ward was amazing and the members really helped us out to make these men ready.
Tell Brandon good luck with all those test. Oh man I am so excited for Dillion, he sure is going to love it and learn and grow so much! Tell him hi for me and he is doing the greatest thing he ever could do. Yeah Trevor, that’s way awesome, I am so excited for him, I haven’t herd from him in a long while now. Good to hear all is going well, tell the White family hi and thanks for all they have done for me.
I did receive my box and thank you so much it was amazing and many people loved it and the contents of the box, ha-ha the cds are so great many nights filled with much laughter as we have listened to some of them. Sd card is going to be sent this week with a few goodies. Hope you enjoy:) Yeah its crazy transfers are next week so I won’t be e-mailing till Thursday but I will try and get a letter sent off:) Teaching tools maybe like laminate pictures that can help people see the process of the gospel of Jesus Christ , maybe ask Ryan or just look online if not no worries:) thanks for the small book of Mormon and D&C I loved it. Tell Kyle hi and congrats on the business doing well.
Anything for new converts that you think is cool, nothing I can really think of. We are really struggling with retention here but it is something we're trying to work on. So cool enjoy the temple with her and tell Katie hi that’s so awesome the temple is the greatest place ever, when I just think about it I feel something in my soul stirring and such comfort in my heart. I have seen my blog a few times your doing a great job, I easily have the greatest mother ever!
So this week was crazy preparing for the baptisms and also interviewing someone for a baptism and loads of travel and meeting some great people and watching two of our brothers be baptized, but only one confirmed:( WOW what a week! Coxey wasn’t there for his confirmation so pray that it will all go good for next Sunday, it was complicated but he shall be good for next Sunday. We had an amazing zone meeting on Fri. and I loved it so much as we spoke about Paul and his mission and some of the things he did and how he ended his mission. It was so amazing and I learned so much from Paul and how we need to be as a missionary and a disciple of Jesus Christ. The baptism on Sat. was really amazing, we had members baptize both of them, and it was just a great spiritual time as there were amazing talks and just such a great spirit present, I really felt the love that my savior has for me, and every single person. I feel an ounce of how he must feel when you see people push from the light so hard. I know what we are sharing and living is the truth, it is simple and clear and direct, it doesn’t conform to the worlds standards and brings something into your heart and life that can’t be found anywhere else. As I have gone through trials I have felt myself being torn down but because of the savior I have been strengthened even more. I love him and my heavenly father so much and am so grateful to Joseph smith for not following the world’s ways and going to the only source for all truth and light. Missionary work is so rewarding, I love it so much. I love you all so much and thanks for all you do!
I will send pictures of the baptism next time, sorry about that. Have a great week and read Messiah 2-4 this week, amazing chapters!

Much love from
Elder Garren Allred

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